Best of the best oolong tea that grow on mountains over 2000 meters above sea level Of Hehuan Mountain summits. Irrigated by non-polluted mountain spring water. Needed professional baking skill, success rate isn’t high, extremely hard to make. You Will surprisingly find yourself Feeling Relaxed And Peaceful after drinking.
韻味及特色: 採集茶中之極品,特嫩及新茶樹之結晶。
香氣: 渾厚圓潤之茶韻。茶氣貫暢,飲之神安氣定
茶湯顏色: 蜜綠光亮
烘焙及發酵度: 輕烘焙、輕發酵
成分: 台灣高山茶葉100%
重量(茶葉淨重): 75g±2%
山系、海拔: 產於台灣合歡山系、能高山系、奇萊山系、清境山區間海拔2000公尺左右
Flavor: Gathering best of the best oolong tea to make. Rich and robust texture.
Smells: Fresh and delicate
Color: Bright green
Roast& Fermentation: Both light
Ingredient: 100% Taiwan high mountain tea Net weight: 75g±2%
Origin: Grown on mountains over 1900 meters above sea level of Hehuan Mountain.