Cloud And Mist Is Made Of High Quality Oolong Tea From Hehuan Mountain Above 1700 Meters Elevation And Partially Fermentation. With natural osmanthus fragrance, the elegant flavor will relax your mood.
韻味及特色: 高海拔霜雪及天然散發的優雅桂花香的獨特香味融於茶湯中,飲之茶香與花香讓人心曠神怡、喉韻綿長、圓潤回甘,特選茶菁,特有山氣保持最佳高海拔原始風味。
香氣: 自然散發優雅花香,近似桂花芳香
茶湯顏色: 蜜綠色
烘焙及發酵度: 輕烘焙、輕發酵
成分: 台灣高山茶葉100%
重量(茶葉淨重): 150g±2%
山系、海拔: 產於台灣合歡山系翠峰及奇萊山之間,海拔1700公尺以上的茶區
Flavor: Soft, smooth texture, and the sweet taste will last aftertaste.
Smells: Natural osmanthus fragrance.
Color: Bright green
Roast& Fermentation: Both light
Ingredient: 100% Taiwan high mountain tea
Net weight: 150g±2%
Origin: Grown on mountains over 1700 meters above sea level of Hehuan Mountain